Crono dettaglio


Crono is an electrical height-adjustable system fitting freestanding desks and benches. The system has been designed to respond to the demand of ergonomic workstations oriented to the health and well-being of the user.
Crono system is available with 1 or 2 step elevation. Moreover it can come as a single freestanding desk or as a multiple workstation bench.
The elevation is controlled by a handswitch positioned underneath the top, also available in the programmable version with the possibility to store up to 4 positions in height.

Crono has been designed to respond to the demand of ergonomic workstations oriented to the health and well-being of the user


Features Crono

Straight symmetrical foot

Straight asymmetrical foot

1-2 step desk

Finishes Crono

MB - Rippled effect white

MG - Rippled effect grey

MF - Nickel

MZ - Cocoa

MN - White

MT - Talco

MJ - Ochre

MK - Safari

MI - Noisette

MD - Ardesia

ML - Black

MQ - Night blue

MC - Light oak

MY - American oak

ME - Grey oak

MM - Dark oak

MO - Canaletto Walnut

MW - Dark walnut


EB - White

ET - Talco

EG - Grey

EO - Noisette


YD - Arizona Beige

YQ - Night blue

YC - Bromo grey


EI - Ardesia

EE - Copper

YB - Jaipur red

EZ - Bronze

EN - Black


DC - Beige

DH - Light grey

DI - Ardesia

DD - Avio blue

DE - Aquamarine

DF - Spring green

DG - Sage

DB - Orange

DA - Coral

GW - White

GZ - Silver

GK - Dark grey

GN - Noisette

GA - Ardesia

GF - Mocha

GY - Black

GX - Orange

GQ - Red "F"

GO - Ruby

GD - Indigo

GT - Blue

GU - Green

GR - Lime green

BP - Opaline white

TR - Transparent

RS - Red transparent

BL - Blue transparent

BN - Satin-finish white

FU - Satin-finish smoky grey

AR - Satin-finish orange

BT - Satin-finish blue

VV - Satin-finish green

Request information on Crono

Products related



Crono X

Case study

Innovation Centre Taghleef Industries

: Instudio


Designer: Gensler
